Saturday, 17 June 2017
CHEAP Diabetes Type 2: Complete Food Management Program NOW
Diabetes Type 2: Complete Food Management Program
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Dieta Dukan y salud / The Dukan Diet and Your Health: Lucha Contra La Diabetes, La Hipertension, La Arteriosclerosis Y El Sobrepeso
Para un cientifico, aprender no es memorizar una serie de ideas inamovibles para poder repetirlas sin cambios toda la vida
Aprender es poner en duda, comprobar, cambiar, evolucionar
Esto es precisamente lo que han hecho los autores de este libro, que, alarmados por el aumento desbocado de la obesidad en el mundo y de las enfermedades que de ella se derivan, se han atrevido a poner en duda las creencias sobre nutricion vigentes desde hace 30 anos
Sus analisis, basados en estudios cientificos internacionales realizados en las universidades y hospitales de mas prestigio, y su practica diaria les llevan a proponer una dieta cetogenica, avalada al mismo tiempo por un numero creciente de medicos en todo el mundo, entre quienes destaca el popular y prestigioso Dr
Pierre Dukan
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Alarmed by the unrestrained increase of obesity throughout the worldand the illnesses derived from itthe authors of this book have set out to question the accepted nutritional beliefs which have been in effect for the past thirty years
Based on observations from their daily practice and findings from scientific studies carried out in the most prestigious universities and hospitals around the world, their analysis has led them to propose a Ketogenic dieta special high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that turns fat into the primary source of fuel for the body and has been linked to the following health benefits.
Price : 14.99
My Child Has Diabetes: A Parent's Guide to a Normal Life After Diagnosis
From the moment her son was diagnosed with diabetes, author Karen Hargrave-Nykaza felt lost
Although there was plenty of medical information on the disease, she struggled to find ideas for managing typical, everyday activities
How would she keep her fam
Price : 12.95
Arkray Techlite 28 Gauge Sterile 100 each
Compatible With Most Lancing Devices.
Price : 1.91
Stress-Free Diabetes: Your Guide to Health and Happiness
Reduce stress and its harmful complications to your disease Diabetes is a stressful disease and only adds stress to our busy lives
Prolonged stress can cause serious and extensive harm to our hearts, kidneys, eyes, nerves, and mental well-being
Learning to manage stress well will help you manage not only your blood glucose levels, but also your life
Price : 16.95
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